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Cloke provides standard support via phone, email & remote support.

We also provide you an access to our knowledge-base (KB) via the Cloke Customer Portal. Please refer to the KB Page

Our support covered products including ARWare, ScanMyPage, TheGRID Beacon and WebALARM.


Standard support includes,

  • Product installation, configuration, setting and product functions.

  • Product technical incident resolution. Incident described as problem or errors that impact the Cloke installed system or workstation which no workaround or solution available.

  • Online tools.

  • Web based FAQ’s.

  • Product hot-fixes upgrades.


Below are excluded from the standard support scope, 

  • Consultation and implementation request.

  • Non bug related performance and sizing issue. Some proposal or suggestion will be made available on the web.

  • Problem root cause analysis. Standard support will only provide the information and finding based on incident’s log files. For non-reproducible incident, it will be difficult to investigate further but few possibilities related to that may be suggested.

  • Feature requests. Standard support will raise the request to R&D. The requests will be evaluated and decided during the new product release planning.

  • Onsite support.

  • Standby service during out of service business hours.

  • Incidents, root cause analysis or product design reports.

  • Special request, priority case handling and resolution datelines.

  • Cosmetic problems or errors except if the errors have high impact to the customer with no workaround available. Cosmetic problems defined as the errors or product appearance that has no impact to the system or workstation.

  • Technical support and product updates after products end-of-life date has reached.


Protecting our Customer security is essential to us, therefore we require that any person who is working with Cloke Support to have a Customer Portal account. The preferred method for submitting cases is via the Cloke Customer Portal. As mentioned above, you will need to have your login information available prior to submitting a case. If you do not have portal access, or are unable to access the Customer Portal, you may contact our support team here


Standard Support is open to all license holders with active license keys.  During our posted operating hours, standard support will quickly commits to acknowledging receipt of a support ticket following submission of a support request by licensed holders.  Standard support does not guarantee a resolution to the request in that time period, but standard support will gather the necessary information to help resolve the issue.


Our standard support operation is described in the table below.


For list of products or versions currently supported as well as the upcoming products end-of-life dates, please refer the Supported Products page.


For list  of  products  supported  platforms  including  operating  system  and  internet  browser, please refer below.


For list and description of our supported product releases types, please refer the table below.
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